
Promoting "you-centeredness."

When we needed to help our new partners,

Swanson Health Products, create a campaign for their Wellness Inside & Out (WIO) line we took inspiration from their tagline, “Self-care isn’t self-centered.” We saw that sentiment embodied in acts like putting on one’s own oxygen mask before helping others. The gist?

When we needed to help our new partners,

Swanson Health Products, create a campaign for their Wellness Inside & Out (WIO) line we took inspiration from their tagline, “Self-care isn’t self-centered.” We saw that sentiment embodied in acts like putting on one’s own oxygen mask before helping others. The gist?

When we needed to help our new partners,

Swanson Health Products, create a campaign for their Wellness Inside & Out (WIO) line we took inspiration from their tagline, “Self-care isn’t self-centered.” We saw that sentiment embodied in acts like putting on one’s own oxygen mask before helping others. The gist?

When we needed to help our new partners,

Swanson Health Products, create a campaign for their Wellness Inside & Out (WIO) line we took inspiration from their tagline, “Self-care isn’t self-centered.” We saw that sentiment embodied in acts like putting on one’s own oxygen mask before helping others. The gist?

When we needed to help our new partners,

Swanson Health Products, create a campaign for their Wellness Inside & Out (WIO) line we took inspiration from their tagline, “Self-care isn’t self-centered.” We saw that sentiment embodied in acts like putting on one’s own oxygen mask before helping others. The gist?



e can’t take care of others if we aren’t taking care of ourselves. It’s not just “OK” to care for ourselves—we must. So, in our campaign we positioned WIO products as a way for women to be more “you-centered,” not self-centered.


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